Diversity at WFCH

At WFCH, we celebrate diversity through celebrations, cultural holidays and cultural studies as expressed through the members of our community: Faculty, Staff, Students and Parents.

Our school community hails from:

Barbados, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Germany, Guyana, Haiti, India, Italy, Iran, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Phillipines, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Thailand, Ukraine, Venezuela, United Kingdom and United States of America.

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Our Diversity Night event is a fun way to expand our cultural consciousness through songs, special presentations, cultural displays, and foods from around the world. This is a school-wide community event where we encourage participation from all members of our community in celebration of all of us.

Parents and staff decorate our halls with flags, pictures, books, artifacts, and lots more, to help provide our students with the opportunity to experience various traditions first hand! Not only are these displays educational, but they also help set the stage for our entire night, serving as bright colorful décor for the event.

All of our students from our Early Childhood classrooms are invited to participate in the Multi-Cultural Runway Fashion Show. Our students are always extremely excited and proud to show off the beauty of their nations by modeling their traditional clothing on stage. All of our toddlers participate in a special flag parade.

The potluck portion of the event is one of the highlights of the evening! We enjoy a delicious tasting from around the world.

White Flint Children's House is thrilled to offer FREE tuition for toddlers (18 months - 3 years) thanks to Montgomery County's EquiCare Grant! Contact us for more information and to apply today.Click to learn more!