WFCH Special Events

White Flint Children’s House is proud of its school community. Throughout the year we recognize the many celebrations of life through various special events. Some special events include Grandparent’s day, Family and Friends Visiting Day, Book Fair, Pajama day, Muffins for Moms, Donuts with Dads, Harvest Feast, Family Fall Festival, Ginger Bread Construction Day, Winter Concert & Dance Recital, Community Drive Week, Spirit Week, Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Breakfast, Field Trips, Family Nights and more! We aspire to connect our families and community, and to enrich the educational experience of our students.

White Flint Children's House is thrilled to offer FREE tuition for toddlers (18 months - 3 years) thanks to Montgomery County's EquiCare Grant! Contact us for more information and to apply today.Click to learn more!